The Original New Timbral Orchestra
Artifact Type: Synthesizer
Manufacturer: Malcom Cecil and Robert Margouleff
Date: 1968
One of the world’s largest synthesizers, TONTO is absolutely one of a kind. The Original New Timbral Orchestra (TONTO) is the first multitimbral polyphonic analog synthesizer, capable of producing many tone colours with different voices simultaneously. Beginning with a single Moog Series III Modular in 1968, creators Malcolm Cecil and Robert Margouleff continued to expand TONTO with synth modules from different manufacturers, along with custom additions designed by Cecil. Famous for its warm, rich timbres, TONTO is a revolutionary feat of music technology. Through collaborations with popular artists like Stevie Wonder, the Isley Brothers and Quincy Jones, TONTO introduced synthesizers to rhythm and blues and pop music.